By Stephen Pierce The title may be very vague but it summarizes a little of how the sneaker game has changed so much in the past cou...

Monday, March 5, 2018

Shut Up and What

By Stephen Pierce

O LeBron and Kevin you are great players but no one voted for you.  Millions elected Trump to be their coach so keep the political commentary to yourself…Shut Up and Dribble. When we think we have come so far comments like these bring back the harsh reality that no matter the money we make, the accolades we achieve, or the positions we hold, we are still open to being disrespected and treated as second rate citizens by some Americans.

The statement was made by Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham. Laura Ingraham has made controversial remarks before such as her defense of Trump’s Mexican comments saying that Mexicans coming to America bring drugs, crime, and are rapists. But what she has said toward LeBron and Kevin hit home a little more.

LeBron and Kevin are not just black men who make millions doing what they love, a fact she acknowledged by Ingraham in her rant.  They are also humanitarians that give millions to the black community. LeBron’s charitable organization, LeBron James Family Foundation, gives one million dollars every year to kids in his home town of Akron, Ohio. The gift helps elementary schoolers get interested in school; provides adults with college resources; and help students learn computer coding.  His I Promise campaign has donated 41 million dollars making a college education possible for 1,100 Akron students. Kevin Durant started the Kevin Durant Charity Foundation which focuses on the enrichment of low-income at-risk youths through educational, athletic, and social programs.

These two gentlemen have done so much for the community and for the people around them, but in the eyes of some have not earned the right to express how they feel about the Commander and Chief who has yet to make a positive impact on Americans, or citizens of the world.  Ingraham’s comments reflect her arrogant thinking and elitist heart.  Black athletes exist solely for entertainment value and are somehow not full citizens with the ability to comment or participate in government or politics.  But at the same time would she have made these same disparaging comments about President Ronald Regan who was an actor and a sports commentator, or towards John Runyan who was the right tackle for the Philadelphia Eagles from 2000-2008 before becoming a United States Congressman, probably not.

Laura Ingraham’s controversial comments has caused a conversation to happen in the African American community about how some Americans feel about our achievements. We must continue to know that no matter what we do, how much money we make, how much power we gain, or how much we contribute we are still not viewed as equals to some, or in this case credible to make comments about the people in power. In the words of the greatest Hip Hop artist of all time and great business man and the new leader in the Forbes list of wealthiest men in Hip-Hop Jay-Z “Light nigga, dark nigga, faux nigga, real nigga rich nigga, poor nigga, house nigga, field nigga, still nigga, still nigga”.  But are you going to shut up, and dribble, or what?

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